Excerpt from 21 Amazing Benefits of The Word of God
Do you meditate on the Bible Scriptures? Often as we meditate on Scripture it becomes God’s Rhema Word to us. The Deuteronomy writer encourages us with, “Man does not live by bread alone but by every word proceeding from the mouth of God.”
Growing as a disciple of Christ, you will notice more and more by practice and use of the word of God read, studied and meditated upon, the Scriptures come alive to you. You might wonder how is this relevant to me and my present life. It’s one of the prominent ways of getting to know Jesus, for He is the Word who lived among us, now ascended back to the heavenly Father – seated in authority at His right hand. (John 1)
As we said earlier, the Apostle Peter said for new believers to desire the sincere milk of the word of God whereby through practice and use you grow up in Christ and learn the will of God for your life. Today we are particularly focusing on meditating on Scripture.
Meditation many times, covers only two or three verses of Scripture. Read a verse, several times. Roll it over in your mind; be quiet and listen to God twenty or thirty minutes. The Psalmist said, “May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.” –Psalm 19:14
Here’s two other people who valued, practiced and encouraged others to meditate upon God’s word.
The mother of Jesus practiced meditating: And Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart – Luke 2:19.
Then the book of Joshua writer instructing us about meditating & success in life: This Book of the Law (Book of Promises) shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. -Joshua 1:8 English Standard Version 2016 (ESV)
With all of that said, here’s a little eight step analogy called MEDITATE to help you know how to meditate on God’s word.
MEMORIZE. Start with memorizing the Scripture. Then paraphrase it. Put it in your own words. – Joshua 1:8
ENVISION. See yourself as God sees you in light of what the word of God says. -Prov. 29:18
DECIDE. Make a decision to believe what the Scripture says about you and/or your situation. -2 Cor. 4:19
INVITE. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal what this word means for you. (Our Helper sent by heavenly Father and Jesus.) John 14: 25-26
THINK. Carefully think about and make the scripture a prayer. Personalize to your situation and with your name. –Phil. 4:8
AGREE. Verbally agree with what God’s word says about your situation. –Matthew 18:19
TALK. Include it in your conversation with friends and family. Decree and declare it over your life. –Psalm 50:23
ENGROSS. Choose to immerse, give your attention to by thinking on, pondering, meditating with specific revelation. –Psalm 19:13
To cement the word of God, you are meditating on, personalize it into a prayer or affirmation. Then speak it (memorize, paraphrase, talk about, ponder, chew on it, pray it and/or think about) seven times in the morning and seven times in the evening. This not a strict thing just a guideline, so however many times you feel led of the Holy Spirit. For some it may three times for others it may be more.
The word will then take root in your mind and heart. It will begin to spring up; first the bud then the blade, then the leaf and so on.
You know similar to how you see a plant progress in the natural. As the word of God is deposited in your heart it will begin to bear fruit.
It will bud, leaf, then grow and change what needs changing. The Holy Spirit may give you a next step scripture to mediate on within same topic, need, and or desire. So stay ready. Let’s talk again next week.
Earma Brown, 21 book Christian Author and Publisher, Teaching Pastor and Co-Founder of Grace Covenant House online ministries.
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