Reading, studying, thinking and meditating the Word of God.
As you share your faith with others, I pray they may come to know all the blessings Christ has given us. –Philemon 1:6
Why should I read my Bible more? This is the relevant question being asked by Christians all over. Usually while looking or glancing guiltily at the Bible on the nightstand, table or for some of us for too long in the closet. Well, no more guilt! There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Our heavenly Father through his promises has already provided you with a rich inheritance right there in your Bible. I teach this to get you excited about reading, studying, meditating and even seeing the Spirit of the Lord communicate with you through his word. In other words, simply put more ANSWERED PRAYER.
In the Old Testament Father God says to us, “If you have My word speak it forth faithfully. For it is like a hammer that breaks the rock into pieces. If you have a dream, tell the dream. For it is like a consuming fire that burns up all obstacles. Or as Jesus said, “Speak to the mountain and tell it to be cast into the sea and doubt not in your heart, and it will do it. “
Also, you’ll see these sprinkled throughout my teachings in bite-sized prayer tips so that we can know and learn more and more why we read, study, meditate and feed on the word of God. It becomes the sincere milk we need to grow up in the full stature of Christ, as well as mature to eat the meat of the word thereby rightly dividing the word of truth. Through use and practice, God makes it so we can discern not only between good and evil but knowing the will of God, his plan and destiny for your life and the life of others.
As well as growing up in Christ, you will begin to realize more and more how you are building your spiritual house upon a strong foundation. We become like the one in Jesus’ story building our house upon the Rock, a strong foundation that will withstand any storm. For remember the storms of life come to us all whether we believe in Christ or not.
So, I’ve compiled 21 amazing revelations and the benefit to you as a believer or disciple of Christ:
HAMMER: The Word of God when spoken consistently is like a hammer that breaks the rock (obstacle) into pieces.
FIRE: According to Prophet Jeremiah inspired by the Lord, “The word of God when spoken is like a fire that consumes up all obstacles. Also, in Nahum 1 he refers to the Lord (Word of God) is a consuming fire.
CLEANSING: Jesus said to his disciples and now to us as believers over 2000 years later, “You are already cleansed by my Words. In another place, the gospel writer talks about …the washing of water of the word of God to the believing heart.
CREATIVE: The writer of Hebrews says, the word of God is active, discerning, separating even bone to marrow revealing the intentions and motives of the heart.
ATTENTIVE: His word gets the attention of God the Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit, His angels, and the heavenly host. Not just the Bible (the word of God) laying on the table but the words in your mouth aligned with the word of God spoken from a believing heart.’
Bonus Benefits:
ANSWERS: Father God assures us that he watches over his word to perform it. He hastens to answer his word. Again, the Psalmist wrote, we send his word to you and it runs swiftly.
MILK: Desire the sincere milk of the word that you may rightly divide the word of truth. And again, the Roman writer wrote, “Be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind with the word of God thereby proving what is the acceptable, good and perfect will of God in Christ Jesus.
Here’s a story to summarize the five benefits above. Early on as a renewed Christian at twenty-seven I dreamed I was in a house looking out of a window. I saw multiple dark grey cloud storms in the distance. I watched them approach coming closer and closer to where I was. I became concerned then went to panic doing all the things I had been told to do during a storm. I praised. I opened my Bible and read Scripture at the top of my lungs. I said the name of Jesus over and over again and on and on.
The storms progressed and were upon me, they shook my house and it fell along with it I felt myself being destroyed… I woke up and thought, “That’s not scriptural.” The Spirit of the Lord responded quickly, Oh but it will be if you don’t do what I’ve been leading, prompting, drawing you to do, consistently read the word of God. You see the Holy Spirit had been leading me in lots of different ways I would think I must read the Word more, still not thinking consistency had anything to do with it. In case, I haven’t said it yet, in the authority of Christ to grow up in Christ, you should eat daily.
As a new Christian I didn’t remember the other part of that story describes the person that doesn’t realize the importance of the Word of God (their Bible). He describes the one that doesn’t take the word of God seriously is like someone building their whole house on a foundation of sinking sand. When the storms of life come, that house is destroyed and the fall of it is great.
That dream sobered me right up. I said, I’m sorry Lord, I hear you loud and clear. This is not to say you have to go and buy a new Bible. Just use the one you have. As for me, I found it helpful to get a Bible with a planned reading material right there in the Bible. Consider using a Bible app or sign up for one of the many planned Bible reading plans online. Just get started, God will respond to your faith.
Scripture Notes:
That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus. –Philemon 1:6