Angels Unaware
Many years ago, the Holy Spirit instructed me to preach and teach from the overflow. So, I like to start my sermon off with something the Holy Spirit has showed me from my life during the week. I was listening to a trusted source, a famous pastor tell his story about going to Heaven. Since, my sweetheart Varn has gone to Heaven my ears really perk up when I hear someone talking about Heaven in anyway. He was saying during this whole experience, anytime he said, Glory to God or Praise God, his angel would do the same. Then when he would do it while he was in heaven everyone would glorify God with him.
This week that fact came alive to me. I’m used to the principle that our praise of Father God and our Lord Jesus has power in it. It can actually put the enemy to flight and allow Father God to work faster. No, I don’t know how it exactly works. But I know it does. So when the Holy Spirit brought this new-to-me insight, I was happy to hear it. He prompted me that when I’m feeling down, break out in praise. And also know that your angels will break out in glorifying God too. You just created a praise party. Wow! Praise God. Glory to Jesus. Let’s have a praise party right now…
Talking about angels brought another story to mind, I wanted to share with you. God blessed me with the gift ‘discerning of spirits.’ He controls when it operates. When it does operate, I see angels and demons but mostly demons. It is an offensive and defensive type gift, giving insight into the enemy’s camp and workings. Anyway, on this occasion I saw an angel, our angel outside our condo. Varn used to tell me that as a younger man, he would look at people who lived in condos and wonder what it was like. He said they looked so nice. So, we were super blessed to be living in a condo. Well, it was a three story condo. I was on the second story and looked outside and saw one of our angels looking bored. He was kicking the ground like he was kicking a can, dragging his sword behind him. You know how as a kid when we were bored we saw a can in the street and kicked it down the street out of boredom.
I shouted to Varn in the kitchen, “Honey, I see our angel out here looking bored, dragging his sword, kicking the can, so to speak!” If you knew Varn, you can imagine what he did. He stopped what he was doing and said, “Well, we need to change that. Our battle has been too intense to allow our angel to be bored because we haven’t prayed or spoken the word of God.”
You know, we activate our angels through our prayers. But we also activate them through aligning our words to the Word. Father God said, “Those who have my word, speak it forth faithfully. Is it not like a hammer that breaks the rock into pieces and like a fire that consumes all obstacles…” We prayed and put our angels to work and began afresh to align our words with God’s word. So, our angels could be busy working for us, the heirs of God’s salvation. Amen!
End Of Blog
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