Amazing Benefits of Word of God

Why should I read my Bible (the Word of God) more? It is a relevant question being asked by Christians all over. Usually while looking or glancing guiltily at the Bible on the nightstand, table or for some of us for too long in the drawer or closet. Well, no more guilt! There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Like we covered last time, get started small. Start where you are with a daily Bible reading plan or simply start with the Gospels, set a goal and keep going to keep growing in Christ.

Our heavenly Father through his promises has already provided us with a rich inheritance right there in our Bible.  I teach this to get you excited (make you hungry) about reading, studying, meditating and even seeing the Spirit of the Lord communicate with you through his word. In other words, simply put more ANSWERED PRAYER. I encourage with Apostle Peter’s words, “Desire the sincere milk of the Word…”

Along with everything else, as I mentioned above, Apostle John by revelation told us Jesus is the Word of God. God said he has elevated his Word above His name and his name is quite powerful, just in case you don’t know that already. I believe that’s one of the ways His Word is elevated above his name. So, we get to know Jesus through his Word. I’m doing a companion teaching of 21 Amazing Benefits of the Word of God called ‘Beholding Jesus In The Bible, you might be interested in. I plan to present it later in the season.

In the Old Testament Father God says to us, “If you have My word speak it forth faithfully. For it is like a hammer that breaks the rock into pieces. If you have a dream, tell the dream. For it is like a consuming fire that burns up all obstacles. Or as Jesus said, “Speak to the mountain and tell it to be cast into the sea and doubt not in your heart, and it will do it. “

  1. NOURISHMENT: As we mature in the Word of God growing up into the full stature of Christ by practice and exercising using the word of God through prayer and life, we can expect to be able to rightly divide the word of truth and accurately know God’s will more and more.
  2. BREAD OF LIFE: Jesus is the Bread of Life handed down from heaven. When Jesus said, “Healing is the children’s bread…” He meant for the household of God in the Old Testament, the Jewish nation.
  3. TWO-EDGED SWORD: For the Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. –Hebrews 4:12
  4. LAMP: In Psalm 119:105 Your word is like a lamp unto my feet on the path of life. The word of God when consumed (read, study and/or meditated) acts as a lamp to shed light upon God’s precepts and principles that guide us in daily life, its details and challenges.
  5. COVENANTS OF PROMISE: While studying, I’ve realized more and more how little I really know compared to how much there is to know. Soon, we will study God’s Covenants of Promise. Off the top of my head, there are three covenants we should eagerly want to know more about. Overall, there’s the Old Covenant and the New Covenant. There’s God’s Covenant of Blessing, His Covenant of Peace, and His Covenant of Protection. –Ephesians 2:12

In the Old Testament Father God says to us, “If you have My word speak it forth faithfully. For it is like a hammer that breaks the rock into pieces. If you have a dream, tell the dream. For it is like a consuming fire that burns up all obstacles. On to the New Covenant where Jesus said, “Speak to the mountain and tell it to be cast into the sea, doubt not in your heart, and it will do it. “ To continue growing in the faith, thereby maturing to the full stature of Christ, get hungry for the word of God providing nourishment, the bread of life, a two-edged sword, the lamp and discovering the covenants of promise.