6 Things Every Christian Should Know About God’s Angels
…when God brings His firstborn into the world, He says: “Let all God’s angels worship Him.”
Over two millennia ago, Priest Zacharias is inside the temple doing his priestly duties. He and his wife Elizabeth were devout Jews. It was his turn to perform the priestly duties. He had the traditional priestly robe with a rope tied around his waist threading to outside. A few people were standing outside waiting for him to come out and prepared to pull him out if anything went wrong. Time goes by and it’s noticed that he did not come out on time. With anxious frowns, they wait for him to come out.
Meanwhile, inside Priest on duty, Zacharias looks up and there stood angel Gabriel. Gabriel says, “Don’t be afraid Zacharias God has heard your prayers. You will have a son. You will call his name John…”
Zacharias responded with, “What proof will I have of this. I am well up in age and my wife has never bore a child.” Gabriel’s response was, “It will come to pass as I have said. But because you didn’t believe me. You will not be able to speak until after the child is born.”
The people are anxiously waiting outside, realizing it was taking much longer than usual. Zacharias comes out unable to speak. From the looks of him, they can tell he must have had a vision. The story goes on, the child was John the Baptist who was the forerunner to Jesus. He did just as the angel said he would do. He prepared the way, the people to receive the Lord.
Before I begin the teaching. I must express as Christians, we don’t worship angels. From our scriptural text, Jesus is declared the first born of God and another place the first fruits of many. The Hebrews book writer, in chapter 1:6 …when God brings His firstborn into the world, He says: “Let all God’s angels worship Him.” Here’s seven things every Christian should know about God’s angels sent to help us:
Believe in the Lord angels help us gain eternal life. In Luke 15:7 I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.
Luke 15:10; Luke 15:10 In the same way, I tell you, there is joy in the presence of God’s angels over one sinner who repents.”
Why do you think Scripture describes the angels rejoicing over the repentance of sinners. It’s because they have participated in bringing it to pass. They prompted, guided that sinner to the moment of repentance participating with the Holy Spirit, preachers or just laborers and intercessors that they would listen to in their path. So, when we repent of our sins, all heaven is rejoicing. That sinner now has eternal life instead of eternal death.
Be built up for the battle of faith in life. In God’s system or even his household, he is sovereign, he warns us of danger. He uses them to send important often world changing messages and also important ones in our lives. He seeks to prepare us to receive his blessings. But we have to cooperate in faith. Remember the angel Gabriel was sent to the Priest Zacharias the father of John the Baptist and Mary the mother of Jesus.
They were both godly people that received important world changing messages but they had different responses. Zacharias responded with some disbelief and was rendered mute until after the baby was born. It was believed that it was decided this was too important an event to leave to Priest Zacharias’, in case he had anymore words of disbelief. Then there was the visit to Mary, mother of Jesus who told she was going to birth the savior. Her response and words of faith were, “…May it be unto me as you have said.”
Continue in faith. With God’s angelic help, we continue in the faith. Often throughout life, there are things that can test our faith. But we’re to keep going in our faith. But it’s not always that easy. The Apostle Paul instructs us our faith can be shipwrecked. He likens our faith to a ship that keeps sailing or can be crashed. Then there’s another time he’s writing to believers saying, who cut in on you? You were doing so well in your faith, it’s like someone interfered with your faith.
I’m smiling because I’m resisting making a list. So, let me just say, if we waver between two opinions or action, it can affect faith to receive. For a man is like tossed in the sea, he may not receive anything if you go back and forth like that. Then the writer of James says, faith without action is dead, null or void. Let me end with, we continue in faith successfully especially when you are babes or young in the faith with angelic and miraculous help. God watches over the young ones and especially instructs his leadership to care for his lambs.
Strengthen us when we need it. Jesus told his disciples to expect the Comforter to come after he left. He promised he and the Father would send him. Therefore, he had to go back to the heavenly Father. For if he did not go He, the Comforter could not come. He went on to say, “I will not leave you as orphans. He will do just as his name says comfort you and remind you of the things I have said. He will be a Helper (a Paracletes) to you. He will convict of sin and more. How do you think, the 3rd person of the Trinity (Godhead) does that? He is Spirit, the Holy Spirit.
So, his movements are like the wind…but He also uses other people and God’s angels. When Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane he was earnestly praying so hard that his sweat was like drops of blood, Scripture tells us. Right before he was arrested, God sent angels to minister to him to strengthen for him for what lay ahead (his crucifixion, death, burial and resurrection)
I know you might be saying but that was Jesus? O.k. let’s visit Prophet Elijah after one of his exploits, he lay down exhausted. An angel appeared to him and said, get up Elijah and eat. He did it 2x as he lay there. Then it’s recorded, Elijah got up after resting some more and outran the king’s chariot trying to beat the incoming rain.
Fulfill and enforce Covenants of promise. God’s angels help us by enforcing and fulfilling His covenants of promise in our lives. There are five basic covenants that are active even today that we as believers should know about. We’re going to start a study this season of the Covenants of promise that I’m excited about. Then there’s three that I haven’t seen taught very much that I will be presenting along with those five basic ones most everyone knows about.
The Covenant of Blessing, The Covenant of Peace and The Covenant of Protection and a couple of more that the Holy Spirit the Teacher has been talking to me about. You know knowledge without God’s wisdom, understanding, revelation and ultimately His love just puffs up. Meaning, we stand a chance on getting prideful about what we know. In proper perspective, the more we know and understand the covenants the Father God has purposed and designed us as heirs of his great and precious promises, the more we receive by faith his daily benefits.
We can know God’s angels are the ones that fulfill and enforce these covenants. There are some that are for the just and unjust. For example, two of the basic covenants of promise are the Noahic Covenant and the Abrahamic Covenant. The Noahic covenant God made with the whole world, with sign of a rainbow. The Abrahamic covenant was with Abraham and his heirs. Others are received and activated by faith and a faith that believes God has angels first of all. Then believing they are his messengers and serving the heirs of salvation according to Hebrews.
Become doers of the Word. Again, Apostle James described faith without action as dead. Our Bibles tell us we must be doers of the Word of God and not just hearers. Sometimes, we can fall into just mentally assenting to the Word of God we hear instead of through understanding applying it and acting on it. Because this is so important to actually receiving answered prayer consistently.
Jesus explained it in a story to make it easy to understand. It’s the story of the Seed Sower: Behold, a Sower went out to sow. And as he sowed, some seed fell by the wayside; and the birds came and devoured them. Some fell on stony places, where they did not have much earth; and they immediately sprang up because they had no depth of earth…How does all of that relate to us, angels and the Seed Sower story? It has to do with having the faith to believe that God responds and how he responds. He always responds to His Word believed, spoken and acted on by his people.
Again, how do you think he does that? Does God himself through his Son Jesus come and answer every prayer? I propose, through his heavenly angelic host and of course through other people our prayers are answered. As example, Jacob was on the run from his brother whom he had deceived his father into thinking he was his brother Esau.
Long story short, Jacob on the way to a relative laid his head down on a rock and rested. He dreamed a now famous dream of angels going up and down this ladder into heaven to throne of God. Scholars believe they were carrying prayers up and down that ladder. It was also depicted the book of Revelation, that the angels incense up to heaven, symbolic of the prayers of the Saints.
In this post, I hope you are reminded that God’s system, His Heavenly Hedge, is in place to help us. I pray through the spirit of wisdom and revelation you get to know the Father and Lord Jesus better. Then more and more, we can expect and believe to see His power through his angels confirming his word with signs, wonders and miracles helping us: believe in eternal life, be built up for the battle of faith, continue in faith, adding strength to us when we need it, fulfill God’s covenants of promise, become doers of the Word and overall live victorious in Christ.
Earma Brown, 12 book Christian author, indie publisher, pastor
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