Seven Things From the Book of Hebrews Chapter 5 That Confirms YOUR Calling
A large house contains not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay. Some indeed are for honorable use, but others are for common use. 21So if anyone cleanses himself of what is unfit, he will be a vessel for honor: sanctified, useful to the Master, and prepared for every good work. 2 Timothy 2:20
We discussed three main things in faith to begin to apply to our life:
There’s a Sabbath Rest on reserve for God’s people. The Spirit of the Lord says, “While today is called today, harden not your heart, to enter into this Rest of God. His will is that we enter in by faith. We are to exhort each other daily to enter this Sabbath Rest. We went into the detail of the Scripture to understand what it is that God has ordained for us, even as New Testament believers.
We discovered we labor to enter this rest, the labor of the works and actions of faith.
Thirdly, we saw a pattern that applies to many different areas. The word of God called Sabbath Rest; we mix it with faith to receive. The pattern the Israelites showed the generations that they failed to enter in when they heard it because of unbelief.
God’s Calling And Election Sure
In the Old Testament scripture Numbers 18:5-7 MSG, According to the Bible, the Levites were given as a “gift” to the priesthood to assist them in performing the sacred duties related to the tabernacle and later the temple, essentially serving as helpers in the priestly work by carrying out tasks like guarding the sanctuary, singing, and maintaining the temple grounds; effectively, they were given to support the priests in their service to the people of Israel.
In earlier writings, God showed me the Helps Ministry is similar in that all the supporting and helping ministry in the local church falls under this category to aide and support the leadership of the local church.
I said all that to say that no matter where you serve in the local church, you have essentially answered a call from God, himself, you know the God of peace who sanctifies us wholly spirit and soul and body preserving us til the Day of Christ’s return. 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 There are several different meanings to sanctify but, in this perspective, ‘Set Apart’ is the one I’m using. You may be saying, ‘I’m just greeting at the door or I’m just ushering, taking care of the kids…”
My point is God called you. You are a part of that gift of support for your church leadership. It’s important work that you’re doing. And God called you to start there…There’s a phrase that started with a Pastor friend of our family saying, “Destiny starts with serve.” I agree because it did for me and lots of other people. One famous one I can think of is Carmen the Christian Music Artist and Actor. He said his beginnings started with God calling him to serve in his local church. He learned hearing God there. He learned ministry there too. But it started with serve. So, who knows where God is planning to take you through just that small step of HELPING wherever He leads to start.
The Hebrews chapter 5 writer starts by talking about Jesus our High Priest can relate to us no matter what you’re going through. Then he launches into six things that relate to us being called and chosen by God, then being planted and blooming where he leads.
- Realizing we are called and chosen by God. We didn’t choose ourselves. In Hebrews 5:4, the writer encourages us with, “…we didn’t take this honor upon ourselves.” So, when you get weary with helping or feel challenged about keeping it going, remember not only the church is counting on you but Father is depending on His people to be that gift of support he made you. Another place in scripture lets us know he not only calls us but sanctifies us as we cooperate.20 A large house contains not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay. Some indeed are for honorable use, but others are for common use. 21So if anyone cleanses himself of what is unfit, he will be a vessel for honor: sanctified, useful to the Master, and prepared for every good work. 2 Timothy 2:20
- Knowing Christ didn’t call himself either. In the book of Hebrews we’ve been studying the writer puts it like this, ‘Christ didn’t glorify himself or honor himself. Father God did that for him. He said, ‘Thou art my Son and today I have begotten thee.’ And in another place speaking of Jesus he said, “Thou are a priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek. Hebrews 5:6
- Learning Obedience the God way. The Hebrew writer goes on to say, Hough he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered. Guess how we learn obedience, by the things we go through too. After Christ was made perfect (mature),he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him; called of God an high priest after the order of Melchisedec. Even for us, in a similar way, every journey we go through of trial or trouble (for the believer) God has a result in mind for you. He is a God that rewards that promotes. So, be encouraged to make to the other side of what you’re going through. Scripture encourages us that those who share in His suffering will most certainly share in His glory.
- Understanding that all scripture is useful. Pastor Timothy instructs that, “All Scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correction and training in righteousness. It’s one of the reasons we are commanded to ‘seek first God’s kingdom and righteousness and all other things will be added to you.’ It’s because it’s not an automatic thing. The kingdom of God can be described as ‘His way of doing things’ and righteousness ‘right standing with God.’ Therefore, we are trained in righteousness. Romans 12:2 puts it like this, ‘Don’t be conformed to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will (way) is —his good, pleasing and perfect will (way). There are so many other places the word of God is recommended for our benefit. Remember even in the book of Hebrews there’s the reminder of the word of God that’s quick, powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword…
- Believing God’s gifts and calling are without repentance. One translation uses the word irrevocable. God gifts and calling are irrevocable. He doesn’t change his mind about giving them to you. Now they may atrophy because of lack of use but he does not take them away. I always think about the controversies it causes when the gifts are extraordinary and spectacular. People like Aretha Franklin, Elvis Presley and many more seemed just as talented and gifted at the end of their life. They were accused of using their gifts in the secular world.
In a Mahalia Jackson documentary film, she expressed the pressure and pull she felt to use her gifts in the secular world. She discovered that she could have been financially wealthy much sooner had she gone that route. The film showed she did eventually gain financial success with her TV shows, appearances and records. But they also showed the many years of struggle even as she enjoyed fame and popularity.
6. Reaching the goal to grow. We are called to grow up and mature in Christ, even reaching His full stature of his image. Whether you are considered maturing in Christ—whatever level that may be. Or you are considered a ‘babe in Christ’ as the Apostle Paul calls those who are new believers. The end of Chapter 5 of the Book of Hebrews he is found giving a rebuke to those having to restart over and over again in the faith.
For me, my call is make known the foundation of Christ we should have from the early church Apostles and teachers. I don’t lay Christ on another foundation but on the same one. I say it like that for many have been stunted in growth or never even received the foundation of Christ. It’s a discipleship of Christ, following his ways and teachings.
7. Identifying where you are in Christ. If you are a new believer or a growing believer that wants a refresher on the foundation of Christ, there’s no condemnation, only a healthy expectation that just as Jesus said in the BEATITUDES those who are hungry shall get fed. New believers want and need the M.I.L.K. of the word. They usually lack four things (we’ll cover this in detail a little later) maturity, interest, love and knowledge which makes us unskillful in the word of righteousness. In the natural, whether we are infants on through teen-age, young adults and throughout maturity, we grow as we are fed, nurtured and go from level to level in maturity, right. As I said earlier, the goal is keep feeding and growing.
Then on those who can and do receive strong M.E.A.T. The Hebrew writer instructs us that to those who the strong MEAT of the word belongs to, they matured, exercising their senses to discern good and evil because they have been doing it a long time, they are aged whether by years of practice or maturity and thereby trained in righteousness of God.
So, that’s it for Hebrews Chapter 5. Hopefully you got something out of it for their set of the work. Hopefully you got something out of it for the rest of this week. I encourage you to recognize you didn’t choose yourself. |Even in the Christ life, in general. Scripture tells us Christ died for us while we were yet sinners. Weren’t looking for him heavenly Father or His Son. But He himself drew you . He chose us.
Remember, Jesus, didn’t choose himself either. God declared him to be His Son and confirmed it. Our goal is to allow Christ to be formed in us and grow. Ready to take the challenge as to where you are. Locate yourself in the faith? Take the MILK or MEAT Challenge next week. Have a great rest of the week. You’re invited to our Sunday Sermon Program. See you Sunday!
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