Gods Glorious Recompense
Gehazi, former servant - assistant to Elisha was before the king telling the him about some of the miracles Prophet Elisha had worked when he was around him. Since Prophet Elisha had received a...
Gehazi, former servant - assistant to Elisha was before the king telling the him about some of the miracles Prophet Elisha had worked when he was around him. Since Prophet Elisha had received a...
The Personal Power of Your Words In Your Life My journey began with the Holy Spirit teaching me about the power of not only words, in general, but OUR PERSONAL
In the beginning, the writer of the book of Genesis written as what God revealed and said. "And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth,...
Welcome to Wednesdays In The Word! We launch a Season 5 Teaching for our Wednesday’s Bible Study called ‘The Blessing An Impartation: Introduction.’ This going to be especially fun. Because
Besides being founder of a world-class university, a medical facility and not to mention a healing ministry praying for the sick all over the world, Dr. Roberts was famous for making an unusual claim...