The Gift of Righteousness

The Gift of Righteousness

THE GIFT OF RIGHTEOUSNESS 6 More Things Every New Believer Should About Their Christian Faith Jacob was cooking venison stew one day with some of the vegetables he had grown.

A Sure Foundation & 5 Wonderful Gifts

The ROCK & 5 Wonderful Gifts From God

6 Things Every New or Growing Believer Should Know About Our Christian Faith Isaiah 33:6 "The Lord will be the sure foundation for your times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge; the fear...

God's Great Recompense of Reward by Pastor Earma

God’s Great Recompense of Reward

Gehazi was sitting there talking with the king. He was reminiscing about the exploits of faith of Elisha the prophet. He had told the king many of them. Then he starts talking about how...

Called Chosen & Faithful

Called Chosen And Faithful

In the Old Testament scripture Numbers 18:5-7 MSG,  According to the Bible, the Levites were given as a "gift" to the priesthood to assist them in performing the sacred duties related to the tabernacle...

God's Recompense by Pastor Earma at Grace Covenant House

God’s Recompense For You!

Dr. Roberts, the founder of Oral Roberts University was a spiritual father to one of our previous pastors. He came to speak at our church often back then. We hosted him (Dr. Roberts) many...