Your Gifts And Calling Are Irrevocable
Your Irrevocable Gifts And Calling Years ago, I thought I was cursed. My gifting was causing so much trouble in my life. The people around me had with good intentions
Your Irrevocable Gifts And Calling Years ago, I thought I was cursed. My gifting was causing so much trouble in my life. The people around me had with good intentions
Our spiritual ancestors peered wondrously into the future trying to imagine what it would be like when Father God fulfilled his promise of things they prophesied like his great salvation
Years ago, Varn and I started going to a church that we ended going to about twenty years. We still love that church and the people in it. When we
Marked By Miracles My special insight for Wednesdays In The Word from my life is Varn’s testimony. He often told of his beginnings in the Eighth Street Baptist Church. He
Angels Unaware Many years ago, the Holy Spirit instructed me to preach and teach from the overflow. So, I like to start my sermon off with something the Holy Spirit