Six more important power principles of ‘Good Works’
We all love to see the famous, all about their lives. What do the rich and famous do? We like looking at what they wear, where they go and what they hate and love. It was discovered that Julia Roberts, American Actress was no different, (Famous for films among many, Notting Hill, Runaway Bride, My Best Friend’s Wedding) In her younger years and in the beginning of her Super Stardom, she became a humanitarian using her wealth to fund many benevolent causes. At one of her interviews, they asked who her hero/heroine was? She replied tops was Mother Theresa. She gushed, “I just love her and her story. I got to meet her recently.
I had been trying to meet her for many months.” They finally agreed to let her come and talk with her. She went on to say, “I flew over and was sitting in the chapel and noticed a small framed nun sitting in there. They seated me a couple of rows behind her. We sat there in silence a few minutes. She turned and looked me up and down saying, “How are you today? Then who are you here to see?” I said, “Mother Theresa. I think she’s just wonderful. Do you know her well?
She smiled and said, yes I do. I’m Mother Theresa. Ms. Roberts went on to say, I was impressed by her ordinariness. I was expecting this larger than life person and surprised to find her so unassuming. One of the Nuns there said of her, yes Mother she is ordinary but she always tells us that when you connect God’s purpose to your ordinary, you become extraordinary.
Six More Important Things To Know About The Grace of Good Works
- What Must We Do? One day the disciples were in awe of the miracles and good works that were coming out of Jesus. They asked him, how can we do the works you are doing?
Then they said to him, “What must we do, to be doing the works of God?” Jesus answered them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he has sent.” – - Consider how we may spur each other. We all need encouragement to continue. No wonder,the Bible writer asks us to consider how we may spur one another to good works. I know as Bible teacher I keep that top of mind when preparing saying often, “How can we apply this to our lives now. Or how will this lesson or principle benefit us as believers.” For example, the gift of righteousness I began quite a journey questing to find out why should we want to know about the gift of righteousness. I discovered after learning that righteousness and righteous can be found in the Bible over 500 times makes it a pretty important virtue. In the book of Luke, Jesus was recorded to say, “Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all other things will be added to you.
- Let Your Works Be God’s Good Pleasure. Not everything God asks us to do will be pleasant and joyous to do. In Philippians 2:13 For it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure. In fact over the years, there have been times it took not only faith but courage to do and continue doing what God has called me to do. When I would receive resistance to what I was doing, God would use this very Scripture to say, it would be my will and my good pleasure that you would do it.
- Choose To Be Chosen. In a large house, there are many different kinds of dishes. There are dishes for common use–like everyday. Then there are dishes set aside for special use and special occasions. Can you identify which you are? Many are called and few are chosen. We choose God’s way and become the chosen. It’s mystery but he chose us first. Jesus encouraging his disciples in his day and now us said, “Remember you didn’t choose yourself, I chose you. Bible writer Pastor Timothy put it like this, “Therefore if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable, he will be a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy,. useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work.” –2 Timothy 2:21
- Not Saved by Our Good Works. It’s important to note that we are not saved by our works. Some of us act like we are saved by our good works. Saying things like, I’ve been serving God for twenty years and he wouldn’t treat me like this. Or thinking I wasn’t really that bad. Sins of the heart are sinful too like pride, bitterness, unresolved anger and more. Salvation is a gift, lest any man boasts. In Titus 3:5 He saved us not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit.
- Faith without works is dead. Put another way, faith with out action is dead. We exercise our faith with works. Or as an anonymous writer said, “We put feet to our faith.” The Apostle James put it like this, “So, also faith by itself, if it does not have works is dead.”
I close with a story Jesus told, “There were two men who stood in the Temple praying. One man glancing over at the other standing beside him said, “Father I stand here praying today. I’m a Pharisee. I’m not like the evildoers, adulterers. I tithe on everything I get. And I’m glad I’m not like this man here–poor and dressed badly. The other man bowed his head praying said, “God I’m a sinner, help me.” He goes on to say the humble man went home justified by God.
So stay humble and do the good works God ordained, prepared for you to do. Remember, to do the good works we only need believe, spur each other, choose to chosen. Additionally, since we’re not saved by our good works, we’re free to love by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit. Lastly, we don’t forget to put action with our good works.
Earma Brown, 12 Book Christian Author, Publisher, Founder of Grace Covenant House
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