Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompense of reward. For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.—Hebrews 10:35,36
Gehazi was sitting there talking with the king. He was reminiscing about the exploits of faith of Elisha the prophet. He had told the king many of them. Then he starts talking about how this woman had her son restored to life. She came to get him. It was obvious that something wrong but she wasn’t telling anyone. I had tried to head her off before she got to the Prophet–trying to see what was wrong. She just headed toward the Prophet with a stern look on her face. He sees her and says it’s o.k. let her come to me. She drops to her knees and tells him. He drops everything and follows her back to her house in a hurry…just as he’s finishing up the story, he looks up and sees the woman seeking an audience with the King to ask for her lands back after the famine. He exclaims! Here she is right now with her son, she can tell you everything. The King interested looks to see and starts asking questions. She answers every one of them.
The King says, “Give her lands back and everything associated with it. Even the money that was made from her lands in full from the time she left until now. And I’m assigning an officer of the court to make sure she gets it.”
This is another example of God’s recompense, He is faithful to always recompense.
Last Sunday, I taught on God’s Recompense. I used the TRUST acronym to deliver it. We remembered how God’s timing is not always the same as ours. R stood for remembrance. How Father does not forget. It would be unrighteous of him to forget. The U stood for Unexpected. In God’s recompense sometimes there’s a Kairos moment — an opportune time set by God for things to happen. The S stood for Savior Jer 51:56 we talked about how God will come to save us many time and bring his recompense with him. And the T stood for Trouble there’s a scripture that says many are the afflictions of the righteous but God will deliver us from them all. It’s his way to trouble those that trouble us.
This Sunday, we are still building our faith in the recompense of God. He’s a fair and just judge. I told you earlier in the season that we would be studying from the Book of Hebrews. And that I would teach chapter by chapter and passage by passage of Scripture from that book. But sometimes, I would focus on a chapter or passage (as the Holy Spirit leads) that was not in order. Our first teaching from the book was just such a passage. We started with the Immutability of God’s promises which was at the end of chapter six.
TODAY, we are studying chapter ten, our Title and Text is: God’s Great Recompense of Reward – Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence of reward. For ye have need of patience, that after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.–Hebrews 10:35,36
REWARD. Father God is a rewarding God. I once asked him, Lord why was I waiting on that answered prayer. I wanted to say so long. But left it at why? He said, I was teaching you to trust me. And he wanted to attach a reward of my faith to it. I shared that because it goes for us as believers that since he always recompense us when we have come through something (a trial, trouble…) I can’t say I was always patient or even happy about it. But I learned to trust Him a lot more. And I never forgot the ‘reward of your faith’ part. In a different setting I would tell the details. I’m concerned that many already know. But hopefully I’ve communicated enough that you can begin to expect as a child of God on the other side of that trouble, delay, you have a ‘reward of your faith’ coming for you, too.
EXHORT. The Apostle Paul encourages the church to not give up meeting together. But instead exhort one another to continue meeting, the more as we see the Day of Christ return approaching. In other words, keep going to church. Encourage each other more and more. Right after the height of the Pandemic I delivered a message to a group people that needed encouraging. God gave me seven things that we can’t get anywhere else but at church.
CONSCIENCE. The Hebrew writer tells us why we can draw near to God’s throne of Grace, which we talked about earlier. (We come boldly before his throne of Grace and receive help in times of need. In a similar way, the Priest in the Old Testament sprinkled the blood of unblemished lamb in a ceremony to cover for the sins of the people. Symbolically, we have our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.(the word of God)
OFFERING. Once and for all, Jesus body was offered as the sacrifice for sins. Hebrews 10: 12 wrote it like this, “But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God.
MERCY. When I think of God’s mercy, lately I think of the Mercy Seat in heaven. The temple where the Mercy Seat is a type and shadow of what’s in heaven. I tell the story of Mary standing at tomb, three days after Jesus death and burial crying because, no one knew where his body was. Well, Jesus stopped by to see about on his way to complete the transaction of heaven (redemption). The short of it, he said, “Mary don’t cling to me now; I have not ascended to our Father. He was on his way as High Priest to smear blood on the Mercy Seat of heaven, as we talked about earlier –Once and for all.
PATIENCE. The whole point of the teaching today is to encourage you not to give up before you receive the promise. Our text scripture put it like this, ‘Cast not away your confidence, which has great recompense of reward. for you have need of patience, that after you have done the will of God (whatever act of faith), ye might receive the promise (answered prayer). Don’t throw away your faith (boldness). You have obeyed God. Now through continued faith and patience, you will receive the promise of what you prayed for. Another Bible writer wrote, “Don’t be weary in well doing (faith), you will receive, if you faint not or don’t give up.
EXPECTATION. Raise your expectancy level of what Father God wants to do in your life. It could be in your work life or your family life. It’s somewhere that Father wants to pay you back for something–you made it through it. He just needs you to believe him. I told one of my recompense stories and Marilyn Hickey’s and Sarah her daughter’s recompense from Jehovah Gmolah. May be you haven’t made it through yet. This is especially for you then. Lift up your expectation. The Holy Spirit is always urging, encouraging us with, ‘Expect More!’ Hebrews 10:13 says, “From now on, expecting till his enemies be made his footstool.
NEW. By the washing of regeneration we are born-again into Christ. Through the new birth, all things are made new. We are a new creation in Christ Jesus. 2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. “
SPIRIT OF GRACE. In Hebrews 10:28, 29, the writer warns us not to walk on the Son of God and the blood of covenant through unbelief that he has worked for us through the Spirit of Grace. He says if we sin willingly after this word of grace, there is no more sacrifice for sins. There is only a fearful looking for of judgment. For we know the heavenly Father has said, “Vengeance belongs to him. He will recompense (repay).It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
ERASED. “I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more. Isa. 43:25 and again in Hebrews 8:12 For I will forgive their iniquities and will remember their sins no more.” When we truly repent of our sins, God remembers them no more. And neither should we. We receive the gift of salvation and grace. By we are saved; lest any man boast that he is good enough.
Throughout the week, think about how you want God’s recompense to be brought to pass in your life. Then write it dohttps://youtu.be/xQc6ydGBOSMwn as a prayer.
End of Blog
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