REIGN – King And Priest, Part 4
5 Awesome Anointings To REIGN As King On The Earth
The Spirit of the Lord said, “My appointed time (due season) has arrived and yours may have too! Start watching about 4:10-minute mark. The sixth and final of the King And Priest Sermons by Pastor Earma. Her text was “And hath made us king and priest unto God, that we may reign on the earth.” She presented another REIGN acronym including Rule, Equip, Inspire, Grow and Nations…Father God is looking for and wants his kings to arise and bring in the bounty from the conquests. Our weapons are not carnal but mighty to the pulling down strongholds and possessing that which belongs to the people of God through Christ Jesus…Visit Grace Covenant Church to watch this message and get CDs of this series and others. Partner with us and the CD of the month free. ( This CD coming soon of this message.)
Review: Do you operate in the dual anointing of king and priest? Pastor Earma was still preaching about the dual anointing God is calling his people to walk in this hour. Through the person of Jesus, our call to be made king and priest and reign throughout the earth. Rev. 5:10. Last time, she taught us using the acronymn called REIGN… Don’t forget to support us in continuing the mission of Grace Covenant Church: Like and share this video then subscribe to the GCC Channel.
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