The Blessing An Impartation by Pastor Earma

Welcome to Wednesdays In The Word!

We launch a Season 5 Teaching for our Wednesday’s Bible Study called ‘The Blessing An Impartation: Introduction.’

This going to be especially fun. Because I think everyone enjoys being blessed, right? We are studying the Blessing Covenant throughout the year on Wednesdays In The Word.This evening is the Introduction then we will follow an outline that I will reveal in a few minutes. In Christian circles, it has become quite a buzz word to ‘Blessss you!’ which is perfectly fine. But for some it has become just a greeting or salutation when we see each other or go from each other.

When in actuality it is a powerful impartation from God which began in Genesis when God said to Adam and Eve, which also means ‘Adam or Mankind’, When speaking this blessing or impartation to them, “And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”

By the Second and Last Adam, the Blessing was redeemed or restored. Through the reconciliation of Mankind to the heavenly Father and the spirit of adoption by Christ Jesus. The Holy Spirit bears witness whereby we cry Abba.

This Genesis chapter 1 verse 28 serves as a first mention of God’s blessing bestowed upon the first Adam. Through the sin of the first couple Adam and Eve and the Serpent. Mankind fell and through the fallen nature of mankind it was passed throughout the generations.

So, as an Introduction here’s the tentative outline & schedule. We reserve the right to change it up a bit as the Holy Spirit leads. Thank you for your patience. We start out as we always do, laying a foundation for the blessing. It offers a sure foundation and as a result solid & strong strong. As the Scripture encourages us, ‘Unless the Lord builds the house, the builder builds in vain. So, we seek to lay on the same foundation Jesus laid and the early Church Apostles: The Blessing An Impartation, Part 1; The Power To Get Wealth, God’s Rereward, A Military Unit; The Power of Little; The Power Of Breakthrough and much more. All within the Wednesdays In The Word Bible Study Teaching with Pastor Earma. Just like on the Arise & Stream on Sundays, we asking Father God by His Spirit to meet us and confirm his Word.

So don’t forget to like and subscribe on our Facebook and You-Tube and/or one of the Podcasting Media sites. See you next week

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