The Blessing An Impartation Part 2

The Personal Power of Your Words In Your Life

My journey began with the Holy Spirit teaching me about the power of not only words, in general, but OUR PERSONAL WORDS and the Bible, God’s words. God began teaching me about the need we all have to re-program our words, our minds and align them with the word of God more and more. Actually, in the Bible it’s called renewing our mind with the word of God. Along with that, came the power to break old habits. I began to learn about word fasts. You know refraining from things like gossip, criticism, complaints, and evil spoken words (disagreement with God’s word about myself and others he had called me to pray for and speak truth over.)

Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t think this up on my own. It’s how the Holy Spirit led me. If not already, he wants to do the same with you. Stay with me now, there’s purpose in all this word changing and shaping…

One of the first people, He led me to with a wonderful God given revelation on the power of words was Charles Capps. Father God supernaturally, started talking to me about this man of God. New in the faith, I had never heard of him.

If you live in Dallas, you may remember this bill board for the Capps Truck and Van Rental. I would drive by this billboard on the way to work and on the way from work. Every day, for a few months, I would look over at the billboard Capps Rental and would sense the Spirit of God. I finally asked my husband, do you know anyone by the name of Capps? God keeps talking to me about him but I don’t know what it’s about. He said, ‘Yeah, I know Charles Capps!

I remember him always saying to our congregation at Agape Church, “I came all the way from England to be with you! England, Arkansas, that is. Everyone would laugh, then he would teach. He’s a great teacher. I can’t believe you don’t know anything about him.

I began to get excited and wanted to know what his main teaching was. I remember holding my breath in anticipation. I knew it was an important next principle to learn in my faith journey. He said, I don’t remember but he’s famous for teaching the principle ‘Calling things that are not as though they were.’ I ordered his book the next day and the rest is history.

I now read this book afresh annually. It revolutionized my life and thinking about my words and the word of God. I recommend you read it, too. If you haven’t read it already, it’s The Tongue, A Creative Force by Charles Capps. You’ll going to love it. Well, I recommend after you finish reading this book to read his as additional reading to build your faith in this area. Now, for those scriptures:

  1. We are imitators of our Father God in this speaking… First of all, we can notice God spoke the world into existence in Genesis 1. God said, Let there be light, the rest of the universe and it was.
  2. We all have power in our words… The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit. —Proverbs 18:21
  3. We displease God when we criticize our leaders, authorities and even each other. In fact, He gets pretty upset when we bad mouth our leaders…Remember, Miriam and Aaron. …Not so, with My servant Moses, He is faithful in all My household.

With him I speak mouth to mouth, even openly, and not in dark sayings, and he beholds the form of the LORD. Why then were you not afraid to speak against My servant, against Moses?” —Numbers 12:7,8

  1. We can transfer a bad attitude to the whole team with our words. If you get full of words of doubt, unbelief and criticism and talk to your fellow team members, there it goes, the spread of a bad attitude. By the way, it works the same way with passing a good attitude, too.

So, watch your attitude. It can be passed like the common cold, good or bad… as those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience; —Colossians 3:12

  1. We can start a fire in our lives and the lives of others with the wrong words. The Apostle James warned us with, “The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.”
  2. We can bless and speak right words over ourselves, our family and the world beyond. You can cooperate with the Holy Spirit so much so that God can begin to order the angels through your words. You can begin to express your desire and see good things come to pass in the world because God can trust your words.

In fact, it’s God’s purpose to use our words to change the world for better. For right in the middle of all this word changing we cooperate with God and build the power to bless.

Agree with what God says about the matter and you’ll find the power of God activates. And Samuel grew, and the LORD was with him, and did let none of his words fall to the ground. —1 Samuel 3:19

By now, I’m pretty sure you’ve gotten my point. Be careful with your words. Take a minute and examine what’s coming out of your mouth and heart. For the words that are coming out of your mouth are being deposited into your heart, thereby shaping your future, even your destiny.

Are they good words of life, encouragement and faith building? I mean, are you speaking the word of God over your life, family, team and ministry? Are you renewing your mind with the word of God and growing in power with God?

If so, great keep speaking your good words. Pretty soon, you’ll begin to see the fruit of them come to pass more and more. If not, now is the time to change the tide. Allow the Holy Spirit to change your bad or slack words to a river of clear, clean words of life for all to enjoy. In doing so, change your life and world forever. Won’t you join me in transforming your life by renewing your words daily?

I’ve been working on keeping a tighter rein on my words, maybe you have too. But I’ve discovered it’s not always easy to do…So, won’t you join me in setting a guard over our mouth that our words might be holy before God more and more?

My prayer again, this week is that we speak blessings and life over our life and the lives that surround us. Let it be so much so, that when we speak blessing it would actually mean something with the power to change the world for the good and bring glory to His name.

May God bless you and make his face shine upon you, your family and ministry.

End of Blog

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