For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister. -Hebrews 6:10
We launched the The Year of God’s Recompense at the end of January. It is an ambitious Bible Study schedule. I’ve outlined it for us. I remind you it is an outline but I still plan to stay in step with the Holy Spirit. I enjoy the outline but I’ve learned the importance of a timely word as to what’s happening in our lives each week. Hence the Special Word sermons and event sermons are to be included throughout the year. The Proverbial writer put it like this, “Proverbs 15:23, which says, “A man has joy by the answer of his mouth, and a word spoken in due season, how good it is!”.
Briefly, we are covering RESTORATION this month, 1. January – Recompense
2. February – Restoration. 3. March – Recovery 4. Resurrection. 5 Renew 6. Raised 7. Rehearsal 8. Redemption – 9. Repair 10. Revive 11. Regeneration 12. Righteousness-
Dr. Roberts Honored With Apologies of Hundreds – Story of Recompense
In an earlier media piece, I shared how a rare opportunity came up to host one of the faith giants, he and his wife and him by himself several times at our church. In this story of recompense, we explore yet another layer of God’s recompense.
Besides being founder of a world-class university, a medical facility and not to mention a healing ministry praying for the sick all over the world, Dr. Roberts was famous for making an unusual claim of faith for money by a certain date. I won’t go into detail, but he was ridiculed for it by members and leaders of the faith. According to him, this story of recompense began when later on by what was believed to be a move of God in a church service, hundreds into thousands came to offer an apology and ask for forgiveness for rejecting him or his ministry publicly or privately. He graciously received them all with the words, “I do forgive you” or most of all, “I already did. Thank you.”
I was moved almost to tears when he told us a couple of Helps Ministers assigned to host him one weekend. We had been rather quiet around him most of the weekend, quiet and polite. We had been trained to not be star struck when hosting famous people. According to him, we had been trained so well, he asks us at one point, “Do you know who I am?” We said, yes, Dr. Roberts, we both know who you are, then began telling him some of his special exploits of faith. Including how he was healed as a youngster, how God called him to build a university, medical facility and more. It was enough to let him know we indeed knew who he was in faith and in the world.
He smiled with a small chuckle. I got a chance to put my input. We know and love who you are. We look up to you as one of the faith giants of the generations. Anyway, at the airport on his way back home in California, sitting with him. He leaned back and surprised us with, “Do you all want to ask me anything. And or I would love to pray for you both.”
God’s Recompense Revealed When Crowd Ask For Forgiveness
One question was about his Bible. Is it the one he started with? He said not the very first one but pretty close. It was rugged and worn but still in good shape. He said, he had been offered a lot of money for it but he hadn’t and wasn’t ready to part with it yet.
It was mentioned, “We saw you with it on a special occasion of all those people apologizing to you on this special program. It was moving.”
He said, “Yeah, that was quite a night. It was unexpected. Though many years ago, he could remember it like it was yesterday. Remembering it, we all got misty-eyed. He said since God had already dealt with him about forgiving the people for being hurtful about it. He could only say to each person or couple, “I already did. Thank you.”
To me it was a testament of God’s faithfulness and a part of his recompense to him for that season. It brought healing to him and his family.
Which brings us to Restoration, a part of recompense that God offers to his people.
It was one of Dr. Roberts stories of God’s faithfulness and recompense. It brought a wonderful restoration and healing to his life and ministry.
So, what does all this have to do with us? So, glad you asked. Maybe it’s your turn. What recompense is in the works for you?
In the book of Hebrews, the Bible writer says, “For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister.” –Hebrews 6:10
Memorialize Events – It means to, “to make people remember a person or event, or to show that you remember them.” When something important happens don’t forget to memorialize. When the Israelites crossed the Jordan for the first time. God had the leaders get 12 huge stones to commemorate the event of crossing the Jordan. It was a huge moment. They were instructed from now on whenever you cross the Jordan, you can point to those 12 big stones and tell your children what happened and why they are there. Let them know the Jordan waters were parted for them.
Recognize Forefathers and Those That Have Gone Before Us. Do something to recognize that if you enjoy any measure of success in family life, business, ministry, your world, you didn’t get there by yourself. There are people who deserve your honor. You are standing on their shoulders, so to speak. I enjoy the families that take the time to do this at their family reunions.
Honor your Elders In Your Life. It’s a biblical principle that the Elders deserve double honor. There’s a reason for they’ve been put where they are in your life. They usually have some piece of wisdom to give you that will help you along the way. A trend started quite a few years ago, that get rid of all your older people in your organization and put fresh talent, new-younger faces in front. And yes, I agree with this principle at face value. But it becomes lop-sided if you don’t recognize the value of mature aged wisdom that needs to stay in place, as well.
In summary, God remembers whether we forget or not. Perhaps you’ve been experiencing or experienced already God’s Recompense active in your life. If not, begin to plant the seeds of recompense to the people in your life and world. Raise your expectancy that God will remember you and your details. God is faithful to those that are faithful, He is pure to those who are pure. And to those who are willful and disobedient he is shrewd. Memorialize events, recognize your forefathers and honor your elders.
End of Blog
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