Call unto me and I will show you great and mighty things that you knowest not. -Jeremiah 33:3
Five More Blessings You Want To Know About You Inherit With The Gift Of Righteousness
In 2020, my step son’s murder was the first murder of that city for the year and shortly after the Kobe Bryant along with family and others were killed in a tragic helicopter crash. The shock of it rippled across the world. I cried out to God over my son with my podcast listeners in the beginning of the Pandemic season. Father answered my cry with special comfort and insight for the hurting at that time. He spoke to me about Psalm 91 being a covenant of protection for His people.
So, today I finish the mini-series on the Gift of Righteousness. An important gift, God has given us to benefit from. Righteousness and righteous are found in the Bible over 500 times. Here are those remaining five things that you inherit with the gift of righteousness:
8.) Home. Another of the promises specifically for the righteous of God is that, “The Lord blesses the home of righteous.” Because of the times we live in, here’s what the Psalmist in the 91st chapter wrote for us, “…Because thou has made the LORD…your habitation (home) There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. For he shall give his angels charge over thee, in all thy ways…
9.) Scripture. We can know that every promise of God in the New and Old Testament are Yes and Amen for us as New Covenant scripture. All Scripture is God breathed and inspired; useful for instructing, correction, rebuke, reproof for training for righteousness.
10.) Blessing. There are common blessings all of us enjoy whether we believe or not, like sunny weather, rain for our crops, harvest from our vineyards and olive groves, and more. Then there’s the impartation of THE blessing that the co-heirs with Jesus (the righteous) enjoy or are eligible to receive. In the book of Proverbs, one of my favorites and a promise to the righteous is, “The Lord’s blessing brings wealth and adds no trouble to it.” -Proverbs 10:22 Also, in Psalm 112:2,3 His descendants will be mighty in the land; the generation of the upright (righteous) will be blessed. 3Wealth and riches are in his house, and his righteousness endures forever.
11.) Destiny. Father God is still giving out destinies today. If you don’t know what yours is yet, it’s a promise for the righteous that Father God will surely show you. Many times it is through righteousness that we discover our destiny in the middle of serving in our church or serving in the community. The proverbial writer said it like this, “The righteousness of the perfect (mature) shall direct his way.” He also says in Jeremiah 3:3, “Call unto Me and I will show you great and mighty things that you knowest not.”
12.) Recompense. In the Bible, we are commanded to not repay evil with evil. Jesus said in one of his most famous sermons, “It is said, tooth for a tooth, or life for a life. But in the New Covenant, no longer is it this way. I say bless your enemies and pray for those that persecute you, said Jesus. Bible verse, “The righteous shall be recompensed in the earth. –Proverbs 11:31 is a reminder to Christ followers that the Lord says, I always recompense; I will repay.” He not only repays our enemies but he repays with good the righteous for the trouble they’ve seen.
13.) Prayer. As the righteous, you can be assured of answered prayer. When we pray the Word of God as the righteous, this is the confidence that we have, that we know he hears us and if he hears us then we have what we’ve asked of him. The Lord heareth the prayer of the righteous…the desire of the righteous shall be granted. Proverbs 10:25b Answered prayer.
Again, I pray you were encouraged in the Word of God today. I seek to remind us of the redeeming qualities of the gift of righteousness that we inherit in Christ. We continue with the blessing of the righteous’ home, then being trained for righteousness through Scripture. And The Blessing impartation and receiving the knowledge of your destiny prepared from the foundations of the world, God’s recompense and answered prayers accessed by the righteous.
Gain the gift of righteousness and all that God designed you to receive because of it.
Earma Brown, 12 Book Christian Author, Publisher, Founder of Grace Covenant House
End of Blog
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