And I sought for a man among them that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none… —Ezekiel 22:30
Many years ago, I was watching a Christian television show. The host stopped, looked into the camera and said, “God says, you are His intercessor. No worries, He’ll teach you what to do…” And so my journey began. He has certainly taught me what to do. As you know, in any learning experience there are successes and failures.
I’ve learned how to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit more and more. How to hear when God wants me to pray on the behalf of someone else, in essence ‘stand in the gap’ for them and much more. On that note, here’s a word the Holy Spirit spoke recently, ‘Hedge’.
I am the hedge and maybe you are too. I believe it’s a call for God’s intercessors. Some of you, like me, same call, different story, heard the call years ago. And some of you are just now hearing it. For you, yes you have been hearing correctly. God has called you as a ‘hedge’ in your family, your neighborhood, your city, your nation, and your world.
It’s time we recognized it and answered the call to be the hedge.
As I refreshed the call in my mind and heart, I began to see how far it really stretched back for me. Number one, even in my birth rank, a middle child, I saw that mediator’s role, the reconciliator, the gatherer that I am. Maybe, you see it in other ways in your life. Don’t get weary in well doing. God has fresh strength for you. He strengthens the weak hands, the weary heart.
I must confess, in recent years, I grew weary in my ministry as an intercessor. I, basically, gave up in some areas. I said what I wasn’t going to do any more… I, inadvertently, positioned myself out of receiving the fullness of God’s blessing. No matter, who you are and what role you operate in the church, this is what happens when we disobey. God still loves us, we’re still his kids. But how many of you remember, God disciplines his kids.
No discipline feels good at the time, but we are strengthened and blessed when harvest times come.
So, whether you gave up like I did in some areas or you are just starting in your call to become a hedge. Here are some things that will help.
- Stay true to the call. God chose you. You did not choose yourself. So, allow him to teach and train you. He is no respecter of persons.
- Act on His instructions. Most times, you can recognize God by His character. For example, we know the devil is not going to lead you to pray for anyone in secret. Only God does that. The devil barges in, he seeks to control everything. Father God leads by his Holy Spirit.
- Stay full of God and His Spirit. You may be asking, how do I do that, Earma? Simple, keep doing the things you know to do. As a matter of fact, step it up, praying, reading your Bible daily, and acting on the word of God. And most of all, staying ready for the assignment.
- Be not weary in well doing. Seek to stay balanced. Get your rest. In weariness, we are more prone to make mistakes, get impatient, give up and more. Don’t let weariness short-circuit your obedient spirit to the Lord.
- Fulfill the ministry call to intercede. Just like any other ministry call, it takes you acknowledging, accepting and fulfilling God’s call. Remember, if you’ve accepted the call and fell back for whatever reason, Father God counts it as sin unto you and me. So, we repent and go back at it with zeal and fervor.
I pray Father God’s strength upon you. May his mercy and truth rest upon and flow through you today and all the days of your life.
His intercessor,
Earma Brown
12 book Christian Author, Living The Prayer Fulfilled Life
Grace Covenant Church
We’ve started a church called Grace Covenant Church! Will you pray about helping us? If the Spirit of the Lord leads you, you can help in one to three ways: Become one of our Hedgers to pray with us and for us, plant-a-seed or participate in the GCC Church Plant Team? If you feel led to plant-a-seed, get it out of your heavenly account. Go here to find out details: Grace Covenant Marianna