Wisdom from above is first of all pure then peaceable… James 3:17
Have you ever had to push through great odds to do something you feel called to do? The Apostle Paul could tell us a bit about that. When writing his first letter (book) to the Corinthian believers, he had given his testimony in person at an earlier date. He wrote the letter to them, feeling a little down on himself about his delivery. He talked about his skill in speaking and how he trembled in fear in delivering his testimony to them. Until he finally said to himself, I’ve decided to not know anything but Christ and Him crucified while among you.
He went on to say, my speech and my preaching was not with man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power. That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.
Simply saying, our faith is not built on any preacher or minister’s way with words, instead it is God’s power and demonstration that makes it exciting to experience. And to get to know Christ and the Father more and more.
So, it’s not the hype of what you hope to get, or the goose bumps you might feel but in the person of Jesus Christ. After all, God has given him all authority and he sits at the right hand of God.
Speaking of Jesus, in Acts, the same Apostle talks about what was said about Jesus, “God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and he went about doing good; healing all those that were oppressed of the devil because God was with him.
So, what does this mean practically for us in our current lives and furthermore what does it have to do with wisdom. In our current lives we all need wisdom at every level. While studying I was surprised at some of the ways just plain old natural wisdom is applied. For example, in the Proverbs we discovered concepts like getting to know God begins with wisdom and wisdom is a defense or wisdom is better than money…
Tonight, I’m briefly talking about the wisdom from above, godly wisdom. We can ask for it and Father God says he will give it liberally without finding a reason for him not to. Or in other words, not finding fault with you because you asked. New Testament Apostle James describes this type of wisdom as first of all pure, then peaceable, gentle, easy to follow, full of mercy and good fruit, showing no partiality or hypocrisy.
We established earlier, whether a new believer or a seasoned believer we all need the wisdom of God operating in our lives. Again, let’s keep it simple, wisdom from the Spirit is on another level. Wisdom in general is not just laying around for you to stumble upon it. Remember from last week, it’s precious and has to be searched out. But it’s always well worth the effort, diligence and/or patience it requires. So, don’t tune me out yet.
What Blocks Wisdom
Hopefully I’ve made a good case for why we should desire wisdom and value wisdom. And even take up our faith and ask for it. Because we have a Father God who is most willing to give it and not only that an understanding to go with it.
I couldn’t close without speaking briefly to what blocks wisdom. If it’s so valuable and has such wonderful benefits—why don’t we walk in it or receive more often. Some of us didn’t know we had an invitation from heavenly Father God himself to ask.
Envying and Strife (Arguing) will hinder wisdom. For where there are these two qualities everything else usually travels with it. Bitterness (unresolved anger) will block wisdom and its benefits. Okay, there’s two more I have to mention because I love you with God’s love. Unforgiveness and offense will block wisdom.
So, don’t go gloomy on me or think that’s it—no wisdom. God loves you and is always reaching for you to help you. Not saying that allowing Father God to help you will solve every problem at once. But you can start with acknowledging where you are with anyone of those. Just starting there, and expect that He will show you the next step.
Furthermore, God uses foolish things to confound the wise. God’s wisdom may not always look like what you’ve heard before. His thoughts are not our thoughts and his ways are not like ours.
There’s not always a presto easy answer to a complex problem. But it takes gentleness, patience and LOVE to see it through. One can not fabricate these qualities but they can be developed.
Don’t forget Father God has extended an invitation to us to ask for wisdom this week. Are you facing any difficult circumstances? Ask Father God for wisdom and see what happens.